Back-to-School Ice Cream Social Pictures

On Tuesday, August 11, 2015, our CCHA Back-to-School Ice Cream Social was held at Carroll Apartments.  To help kick-off another fantastic school year, CCHA distributed tote bags filled with school supplies and goodies to all the children in attendance at the Ice Cream Social.

The Carroll County Housing Authority would like to extend a big “THANK YOU” to Jo-Carroll Energy in Savanna, IL for graciously donating the tote bags, rulers and pencils.

West Carroll Homecoming Parade

The Carroll County Housing Authority will be sponsoring a float in the  West Carroll Homecoming Parade on Thursday, October 1st, beginning at 6:00 pm from the ShopKo parking lot.

If you are interested in participating in the parade (handing out candy, CCHA flyers, or just walk in the parade behind the CCHA truck), please contact the CCHA office at 815-273-7081.


Maple Lane Concrete Project!

On September 9, 2015, the Maple Lane Concrete Project will begin. New concrete will be poured from the front entrances of Apartments 1-14, and a new concrete sidewalk will be laid from these apartments to the main sidewalk. The main sidewalk and the ramp ways leading to the parking lot will also be reconfigured, and upon completion they will be ADA compliant. The work on this project will be dependent upon the weather and parking will be limited in the lot during the construction. Once completed, these apartments will have a larger patio out their front door and there will no longer be a need for ramps leading up to each apartment’s front entrance. The new concrete will be poured so that it slopes up to the front entrance of each apartment making it easier and safer to enter and exit the apartments. This project is scheduled to be completed by mid-October. This is project is another enhancement from the Carroll County Housing Authority designed specifically for the wellbeing of our residents!