Thanksgiving Day Celebration

TurkeyAll Mest Manor residents are cordially invited to join in on a wonderful Thanksgiving Day Celebration at Mest Manor graciously hosted and sponsored by Christie & Ritchie Atkins.

The morning will kickoff with the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade being televised in the Community Room, followed by a fun-filled afternoon to include; a traditional Thanksgiving Feast, NFL Football Games televised in the Community Room, and BINGO held in the Dining Room.

Menu: Turkey, Ham, Mashed Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Dressing, Green Bean Casserole, Cranberries, Meat & Cheese Tray, Vegetable Tray, Deviled Eggs, Dinner Rolls, Assorted Pies, and Beverage

DATE: Thursday, November 24th

TIME:   9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Lunch will be Served at 1:00 p.m.)

LOCATION:   Mest Manor (Community Room & Dining Room)

Note: The Turkey & Ham will be provided by J. C. Carey Motors. There is a sign-up sheet in the Mest Manor Lobby for attendance of the lunch, as well as, a sign-up sheet to bring a food item to the Thanksgiving Celebration. If you have any questions, please contact Christie Atkins at (815) 590-3394. We hope to see you there!!


6th Annual Halloween Bash Pics

On Monday, October 31, 2016, our 6TH ANNUAL HALLOWEEN BASH was held at Mest Manor.  Following are a few photos that captured the afternoon of FRIGHT:


October Happenings


What Where When
Bingo Mest Manor October 3rd & 17th @ 1:00 pm
Board Game/Card Club Mest Manor October 8th @ 6:30 pm
Fire Prevention Meetings Mest Manor October 11th @ 10:00am & 2:30pm
Fire Prevention Meeting Maple Lane October 12th @ 2:30 pm
Policy Committee Meeting Maple Lane October 18th @ 1:30 pm
Regular Board Meeting Maple Lane October 18th @ 2:00 pm
Unit Inspections Mest Manor October 20th @ 1:00 pm
6th Annual Halloween Bash Mest Manor October 31st @ 12:30 pm