ElkayCares Annual Bringing Holiday Cheer

holiday cookiesElkay Manufacturing of Savanna will be visiting our Mest Manor & Maple Lane tenants on Friday, December 9, 2106, beginning at 12:00PM Noon. They will be delivering homemade goodies to all apartments at both locations.

Following the cookie deliveries, the ELKAY team members will be spending the afternoon playing Bingo with our Carroll County Housing Authority tenants at the Mest Manor Dining Room. All Maple Lane & Mest Manor residents are welcome to come join us for a fun-filled afternoon.

Elkay Manufacturing believes in serving the community. The ELKAYCARES volunteerism program allows employees to participate in a variety of activities during the work time, in the spirit of serving. We look forward to seeing you!

Happy Holidays, Elkay – Savanna

CCHA Recognized by HUD as Energy Efficient Housing Authority

The Carroll County Housing Authority participated in a HUD teleconference on Wednesday, November 16, 2016, in recognition of the various energy efficient projects undertaken by the housing authority over the past five years.  The following projects were recognized as being energy efficient:

Mest Manor
Furnaces, Water Heaters, LED Public Area Lighting, and Washing Machines

Maple Lane
LED Community Room Lighting, Washing Machines, Attic Insulation, Furnaces, and Water Heaters

Carroll Apartments
Installation (in the Summer of 2017) of Tankless Water Heaters, and Furnaces

Carroll County Housing Authority (CCHA) was one of seven public housing authorities in the state of Illinois recognized as a leader in reducing utility costs.  This honor displays the commitment that CCHA employees and the CCHA Board of Directors have toward providing safe, reliable and energy efficient units for all residents.  Stay tuned for future newsletter articles detailing next year’s energy efficient upgrades for all CCHA residents, including the possibility of solar panels on the Mest Manor building roof!

November Happenings


What Where When
Bingo Mest Manor November 7th & 21st @ 1:00 pm
Board Game/Card Club Mest Manor November 12th @ 6:30 pm
Regular Board Meeting Mest Manor November 15th @ 2:00pm
Pest Control All Units November 18th @ 8:30 am
Tenant Meeting Mest Manor November 21st @ 10am & 2pm
Tenant Meeting Maple Lane November 22nd @ 2:30 pm
Unit Inspections Maple Lane November 30th @ 1:00 pm