Grand Opening Celebration Coming Soon…..

We are excited to report that our Mest Manor Community Room Renovation project is near completion. Keep watch for an informational flyer within the next few weeks announcing our Grand Opening Celebration. All of our CCHA tenants will be invited to come view and relax in the beautiful new Community Room, visit with fellow tenants, and enjoy some delicious refreshments.

March Happenings


What Where When
Tenant Meetings Mest Manor March 9th @ 10:00 am & 2:30 pm
Board Game/Card Club Mest Manor March 11th @ 6:30 pm
Bingo Mest Manor March 13th & 27th @ 1:00 pm
Tenant Meeting Maple Lane March 14th @ 1:30 pm
Regular Board Meeting Mest Manor March 21st @ 2:00 pm
Quarterly Unit Inspections Carroll Apts. (#1 – #12) March 28th @ 12:30 pm
Quarterly Unit Inspections Carroll Apts. (#13 – #24) March 30th @ 12:30 pm

TRIAD Bingo Day

All residents from the surrounding communities within Carroll County are invited to join in on a special BINGO Day sponsored by our local TRIAD. Refreshments will be served, as well as, different agencies located in Northwestern Illinois will give a presentation on services that their particular agency offers. TRIAD will be presenting a program on Fraud and Depression.

DATE: Monday, March 13th
TIME:   1:00 p.m.
 LOCATION: Mest Manor (525 Third St., Savanna, IL)

Please plan on attending, as this will be a fun filled time for all.

TRIAD is a collaborative partnership involving law enforcement, fire/medical personnel, county government and public safety, senior service providers, hospitals, senior clubs, and senior residents themselves.